Bùn bung – Vietnamese, delicious rib soup

Starters, soups and salads play an essential role in Vietnamese cuisine. They are a foretaste of what is to come. You, too, shouldn’t avoid the delicacies, because a bùn bung is a real highlight. It is a delicate rib soup, which also convinces as an independent dish. Especially the fine mixture of Asian spices and the thick ribs is a culinary dream and no big act in the kitchen.

For the preparation of bùn bung you have to plan a little more time. But it is a delicious soup that you can prepare hours before dinner. However, you have to plan at least four hours for cooking the soup alone. This is the only way to unfold the many flavours. For the actual cooking you usually only need 20 to 30 minutes. That depends on how skillful and quick you are at the stove. Our list of ingredients is adapted to four people. Of course you can vary. Remember, however, that Bùn bung soup is not always ideal for a diet. Approximately 100 grams of this delicacy is reflected in 200 kcal. But it is rich in protein. It also has a particularly satiating effect with about 9.7 grams of carbohydrates. If you would like to dine this as a starter, you should not fill your plate too much.

Bùn bung



  • 1 kg pig bones
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 slice of celery
  • 1 onion
  • 1 kg thick ribs
  • 400 g daikon roots
  • 400 g pork belly
  • 200 g rice noodles (vermicelli)
  • 100 ml oyster sauce
  • 50 ml Citric or acetic acid (optimal rice vinegar)
  • 5 fresh tomatoes
  • 4 rhubarb sticks
  • 3 tablespoon soybean oil
  • 2 bunch spring onions
  • 0,5 bunch parsley
  • 0,5 bunch of Thai coriander
  • salt
  • sugar


  1. Lightly brown the pork bones with a little oil in a pan. The result should be timid roastings. Then wash the vegetables and cut them into coarse pieces. Cut the onion in half and let it turn light brown with the cut surface. Now put everything in a casserole and cover it with water. Let the pork bone stock boil and do not skim it. In the best case, let the broth boil for up to four hours.

  2. Cook the pasta in salted vinegar water and drain well. Rinse immediately afterwards with cold water to prevent them from sticking together. Blanch all the meat with hot water for 15 seconds. Immediately place in a bowl with cold water.

  3. Cut the meat into cubes about three centimetres in size. In a bowl put sugar, plenty of turmeric and the oyster sauce. Marinate the meat in it. Now prepare the vegetables. Cut the radish into three centimetre cubes. Remove the threads from the rhubarb and cut them into pieces of one centimetre. Skin the tomatoes and cut the parsley and coriander into fine strips. Wash the leek. Separate the white from the green part. Now cut the green part into fine rings. Put the separated white aside.

  4. Remove the fat and vegetables from the stock. Then fry the meat cubes in the pan and add them to the soup. First cook the celery in the stock for five minutes. Then add tomatoes, leek rings and rhubarb. Flavour the soup with salt, pepper, oyster sauce and vinegar.

  5. Tip: First put the solid parts of the soup on the plate. Then spread the stock over the soup. Place the white sticks of spring onions on top. If you want a little more variety, you can also use sprouts, bamboo or a few rings of red chilli. Serve the soup hot.

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